Live video chat nr.3!
Ytterligare en live chat från Simple Plan, denna gång från Paris, Frankrike!
Lägger upp, som vanligt, några "höjdpunkter" enligt mig, om man inte orkar se hela chatten! (Dock var den bara runt ca 25 minuter nu, så den var inte så lång!) :
00.01 - De pratar franska, utan att ens veta att de redan är live, haha!
01.52 - I wouldn't say no to that! Nakedness, woho! Hehehe
02.45 - Cool "födelsedagsfest", inte lite folk där inte!
03.08 - Sweet Sixteen? Yeah right, haha!
04.10 - Trust me Pierre, you look good!
04.14 - Haha, Simple Plan and the Astronauts!
06.00 - Namn för The SP fans - The Astronauts, nice, I like it!
06.38 - Spastronauts? I dig it!
06.52 - Hi in different languages!
07.13 - How you say it in Swedish? It's simply 'hej', it's so easy! (Gillar att Chuck dock lägger till att han kan säga 'tack' på svenska iallafall, haha, gulligt!)
08.55 - "I always come cum", hahaha, oh Pierre!
09.00 - Naw, stackarn! You're not fat! You're really cute!
09.49 - Of course I like your new slim look, grr! Haha!
09.58 - Hahaha! "I'd have sex with me!" Hahaha!
11.00 - Jag vill att ni ska komma hit! Kom igen radio, spela deras låtar!
11.42 - Trust me, I try to get more people to listen to you!
13.10 - You can touch me, hehehe. (And I'm a girl too!)
14.30 - A lot of length-talk, haha! (15.26 - "We've got huge packages!", hahaha!)
15.57 - He drives a motorcycle? Nice!
18.31 - "What gets your heart on?" - "Women", haha, bra svar! 18.49 - "Cool people .... Especially if they're naked", hahaha!
19.40 - Favourite accent? - "People that try to speak French, that's cute", naw! Haha!
20.36 - Interesting question!
24.20 - Naw, stackarn! You're not fat, you're great just the way you are!
25.20 - I would not mind being in the shower with you! Hehe