Astronaut video!
Så har Simple Plan äntligen släppt musikvideon för sin låt Astronaut (efter de först släppt en 'Behind the scenes' video), och jag älskar verkligen videon, den är riktigt jäkla bra! Helt underbar, dessa killar vet verkligen hur man ska både göra bra musik och bra musikvideor! I love it!
And I just gotta add - är det där verkligen Patrick i astronautdräkten?? Tror inte det kan vara han, för det ser inte ut som honom... Kanske att de använde 'P.Cunningham' i videon för att ändå få med honom på något sätt, I dunno... (Han har varit med i en massa videor förut, tror faktiskt han är med nån liten del i de flesta)
But damn, they all look so good in this video, hot!
This video is awesome!
Behind The Scenes of "Astronaut" Video!
Snart släpper Simple Plan sin senaste musikvideo, för låten Astronaut! Ser verkligen fram emot den videon, den verkar vara riktigt bra! (Som deras videor alltid är!)
Den ska ha världspremiär idag, så jag väntar med spänning på att de ska lägga upp den!
"Underneath, We Are All The Same"
(Taget från Simple Plans hemsida):
Simple Plan have joined 16 other Montreal personalities in an exceptional way for a new striking ad campaign. The ads are for Centraide, a philantropic organization that collects donations from the public to help individuals and families living in poverty. The campaigns' message is to ensure that poverty does not go unnoticed. Yves Gougoux, the Chairman of the Board and Chief Excecutive Officer of Publis Canada explains, "the theme is designed to bring people who lead a comfortable life to the realization that not everyone has been as lucky, even though underneath, we are all the same."
Underbara killar som gör så bra saker för bra ändamål, denna gång fattigdom!
(Och ännu en trevlig sak med denna annons är ju att de är riktigt trevliga att titta på, haha! Hett!)
The Simple Plan Foundation
(Från Simple Plans hemsida)
At The Gazette’s request, and speaking on behalf of all the members of Simple Plan, Pierre tells us about the deep motivations that explain the launch of their foundation. A touching testimony!
It only makes sense to give back by starting a charity
Simple Plan members Chuck Comeau (left), Jeff Stinco, Pierre Bouvier, David Desrosiers and Sébastien Lefebvre invited 25 fans to sing on This Song Saved My Life.
Photograph by: Allen McInnis The Gazette, Gazette Music Columnist
Over the years, Simple Plan has received numerous letters from fans, both here at home in Montreal and abroad, telling us how difficult their lives have been.
These letters have made us aware of the challenges many young people face on a daily basis - from depression, drug abuse and suicide to family troubles, homophobia and heartbreaking accounts of young kids hit by severe illnesses such as cancer.
It didn't take long for us to realize that the common thread in these stories was music, and the role that music can play in someone's life.
These fans were telling us how our songs were helping them deal with the difficult times they were facing, and how big an impact our music was having on their lives. Music was their escape, their lifeline, the only thing that could take away the pain that they were feeling.
As a band and as songwriters, this was a remarkably eye-opening experience. It made us want to give back - and to get involved in our community on a personal level, both locally and globally. As a result, we created the Simple Plan Foundation in December 2005. We assembled a team of volunteers and came up with three main goals:
--To support organizations working with young people facing difficult, yet typically teenage, problems.
--To support health and social-service organizations dedicated to helping ill and handicapped children and youth.
--To encourage and promote the practice of music as a way to help young people find a passion in life, and to support music-therapy programs that help sick young kids.
Each of us in the band has had a cause that has personally touched our hearts.
For me, it's the fight against cancer. Five years ago, my brother Jay went through a very tough battle against lymphatic cancer. When disaster strikes so close to home, it really changes your perspective on everything and makes you realize just how vulnerable we all are.
It had a profound effect on my family and me and made me want to help others going through the same kind of crisis.
Since 2005, the Simple Plan Foundation has donated more than $700,000 to various charitable groups in Quebec, across the rest of Canada and around the world. We have donated money to large organizations such as Leucan, the Montreal Children's Hospital, Kids' Help Phone, War Child and Red Cross Japan, and to such smaller ones as Le Phare, Musique X, Le garage du Dr Julien, Wakiponi Mobile (an initiative that helps young First Nations youth reconnect with their identities, and avoid the traps of drugs and alcohol) and, most recently, Kids Cancer Care.
Being involved with the foundation has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. When we held a news conference last fall to announce our 2010 donations, we had a few representatives from the charities we have supported speak about how our donation money had been spent.
The stories we heard turned all the abstract donations and numbers into something tangible and real.
A spokesperson for GRIS (Groupe régional d'intervention sociale) Quebec told us how young gay kids who have suffered greatly from homophobia and had trouble accepting who they are were blown away that a band like ours cared about their situation and would stand up for them. A severely disabled kid came up to the podium and told us that music was the only thing that made him happy in life, and he thanked us for helping Le Phare, a place where sick children and their families can enjoy a welcome break from hospitals and take part in music-therapy programs.
As we listened to them, everyone in the band got choked up.
© Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette
Stop Dreaming, Start Playing - Warped Tour Winners!
Under Warped tour i USA i somras så delade David ut en bas för varje spelning de hade, från sin personliga bassamling, och han gav detta till den person/de personer som bäst framförde meddelandet 'Stop Dreaming, Start Playing'! Riktigt cool grej av honom att göra, det blev många lyckliga vinnare kan man ju säga! (Vem skulle inte vilja vinna en bas av David Desrosiers liksom)
Simple Plan Vlog 12!
Simple Plan tog sig tid att spela in en kort vlog från deras besök i Polen, där de nu befinner sig, för att berätta för alla att de är tillbaka (efter Pierre's problem med halsen), så nu har de kommit igång med sin turné igen, and that's awesome!
Here's hoping they will come to Sweden very soon!
Atlantic Records interview with Chuck Comeau!
(Från Atlantic Records hemsida)
"In our final Simple Plan interview, drummer Chuck Comeau chats with Atlantic Records about how his musical tastes have shifted over the years (while acknowledging that his teenage idols will always be “part of [his] DNA”.) Watch the interview to find out what Comeau has to say about favorite musicians Blink 182 and Green Day! Simple Plan's new album Get Your Heart On! is in stores now."
Simple Plan Vlog 11!
Nu har Simple Plan (äntligen!) lagt upp en till av deras härliga vloggar på deras hemsida! Denna är från deras besök i Sydkorea för några veckor sedan, och de ser verkligen ut att ha roligt!
Längtar tills de kommer till Sverige, om de ändå kunde sätta ett konsertdatum snart!
0.49 - Tycker David är så söt; "And I just found that I own a store here, no one told me obviously, and I'm not getting any money, but this is my store, welcome to my store", haha!