Trop cool!
Hur häftigt är inte detta? En 13-årig kille fick träffa och "jamma" med Simple Plan, snacka om stort för honom!
Han var vinnare i ett event skapat av Simple Plan foundation, där de aktionerade ut just detta, att få jamma med dem! (Så hans familj lär ju ha haft bra mycket med pengar! Men de går ju faktiskt till ett bra ändamål!)
För att förklara Simple Plan foundation lite och vad de gör:
It was in December 2005, at Simple Plan’s first headlining concert at the Bell Centre that the band announced the creation of the Simple Plan Foundation.
Why a foundation?
The foundation is there to help young people in need and has three specific goals:
1- finding ways to help teenagers deal with the often difficult passage to adulthood.
2- helping and supporting young people who are the victims of life threatening illnesses.
3- Encouraging and promoting the practice of music as a privileged tool to help young kids find a passion in life, keeping them away from street gangs and criminality, and preventing them from dropping out of school. The Foundation also supports musicotherapy programs to help sick young people.
(Läs mer här! De gör verkligen ett superbra arbete!)
Detta är vad som stod om just detta på deras News-sida! :
15 mai 2011
When they were in Montreal recently, the Simple Plan members invited the winner of the prize, that had been put up for auction last November 14 at the Club sportif MAA, to join them to jam a few songs and to play music together.
Matthew McCormack, a young SP fan who is particularly talented in music, was absolutely delighted by his experience. He was accompanied by the members of his family, who also seemed to have enjoyed their afternoon, just as the members of the band who took pleasure in sharing these moments with them.
We wish Matthew a lot of success in all his projects !
At the last Simple Plan foundation event, Matt and his family were very generous, and made a donation to be able to Jam with Simple Plan. This is what happened. (Källa)
Who says money can't buy happiness? If I had a lot of money and could donate that to a good cause and by that get to meet these guys, I would be so happy!