Simple Plan Vlog 16!
Simple Plans vlog från deras tripp till Acapulco, Mexico!
Simple Plan Vlog 15!
Del 2 av Simple Plans vlog från Brasilien!
Simple Plan Vlog 14!
(Har glömt lägga upp dessa, men gör det nu!)
Detta är del 1 av Simple Plans vlog från deras tid i Brasilien under Get Your Heart On! turnén!
The Insider Goes Inside Simple Plan's Tour Bus
"Keltie Colleen from went inside SP's tour bus on day 1 of the guys headlining US tour. Take the tour with Keltie, Seb and Chuck as they see if 3 can fit in a bunk, a shower.. and who knows where else."
"I caught up with Simple Plan the day they began their Get Your Heart On US headlining tour and hopped aboard their tour bus! We spoke French, shared stories about growing up in Canada and I learned three things about them.
#1- They are the most polite group of rockstars I have ever met.
#2- It's is possible to fit three people in a tour bus bunk.
#3- Their new single Can't Keep My Hands Off You is an irresistible, delicious pop punk anthem.
This was one of my favorite fangirl interviews ever! Thanks to the guys for being such good sports! In addition the boys gave me some Simple Plan guitar picks right from inside their pockets to give out to you! Leave a comment below with your favorite Simple Plan lyric and I will send some out! (enter as many times as you wish!!)"
Fan favorite vlogs of 2011!
Simple Plan har ju publicerat en massa av deras underbara och härliga vlogs, framför allt nu under senaste tiden då Get Your Heart On! skulle släppas och under deras världsturné! Nu har fansen fått rösta fram sina Topp 3 vlogs of 2011, och detta är resultatet:
3. Behind The Music: The Simple P's Bust A Rhyme
"This vlog was part of the release of the Simple P website skin"
2. Behind the Music: The SP's, A Rock 'N Roll Love Story
"Another vlog to release the SP's website skin!"
1. Simple Plan's 5 Simple Cures for Jet Lag
"With their hit single "Jet Lag", who else knows how to cure jet lag better than SP? Take their advice the next time you travel and you won't be feeling a case of jet lag."
Jag älskar deras vloggar! Jag tycker det är jättekul att de tar sig tid att göra något sånt för sina fans! Och jag håller med om att "Simple Plan's 5 Simple Cures for Jet Lag" är nummer ett, den är så jäkla rolig, haha!
Happy Holidays from Simple Plan!
Simple Plan wishes you all a happy holiday season!
Summer Paradise
Härlig låt och väldigt härlig video! Så underbara killar, denna video gjorde verkligen min dag, really put a big smile on my lips!
"Once again, Australia is ahead of the curve! They are the first country in the world to release Summer Paradise as a single off Get Your Heart On! and we couldn't be more excited! This is one of our favorite songs off the album and we can't wait for everyone to hear it. The sun and warm weather are coming to OZ and we really hope this song will be a part of your summer and put a smile on your face.
We had so much fun on our last Australian visit that we decided to make a special "OZ Tour" video for our fans down under and around the world. We hope you will enjoy it and that it will bring back good memories if you were at the shows! We had a blast with you guys and can't wait to come back!
For all our fans around the world, don't worry... "Summer Paradise" will be coming to your country really soon! We plan on releasing the song worldwide and film another video as well. We will let you know as soon as we have more details.
Thanks for all your support and can't wait to see you all on tour in 2012!
Chuck, Pierre, Seb, David and Jeff
Simple Plan"
Loser of the year
Dessa underbara killar ska jag se när de kommer till Stockholm i april, åh jag är så lycklig, ser verkligen fram emot det!